You sit around thinking all the time. Never turning off your brain and just taking action. This is why you can’t stick to a workout. This is why building a business is almost impossible for […]
Within Motivation, you get the nice jolt of in your face, no no nonsense motivation built on real experiences.
Your 20s are a era of challenge, growth, and laying the foundation for your adult life. Let’s discuss the 4 mistakes most people make in their 20s so you can avoid them and make the […]
Every young mans beginning years is one of challenges, being lost, and finding the way. However, most young men give up by the age of 25. Settling with whatever life handed them. Use these 8 […]
We’ve got a lot going on every week. To help you keep track of everything, you can read through the weekly roundup. New Blog Articles: New YouTube Videos: I took a Flight to Moldova 5 […]
In this world, there are principles which guide your entire life. When you live a life based on principles you replace emotion with making a simple decision. Now the point isn’t to become some vanilla […]
Along this journey people around you will see you tirelessly working. Are they doing this to slow you down and steal your dreams? Or are they just trying to help. Let’s discuss what to say […]
The worst thing you can do is go through the motions but NOT give 100%. You’re doing the work but limiting the reward. Don’t just post content, POST with intention following the Content Planner. Don’t […]
Most people I’ve seen as I traveled the world lack fire in their eyes. They go about their day in haze. Ordering coffee then blankly staring at their phone. Walking around the city aimlessly either […]
I’ve been talking to students of mine and a recurring question keeps appearing. Does time seem to fly by fast for you? So in moneybag fashion I’m going to share how to handle it so […]
There’s no place I cannot perform. It’s a trait I’ve had ever since I can remember. And it’s the best trait to have in 2024 as you get started on building your empire. The […]
Relaxation will leave you drained, until you learn how to RECHARGE. How Relaxing Keeps You Lazy You see, relaxing by laying on the coach or skipping work today isn’t what you seek, it’s to recharge […]
Last year you spent your days in reactive mode 80% of the time. Looking at what others were doing. Seeing the craziness of wars being fought. Staying up to date on a whole bunch of […]