How to Finally Figure Out What You Want in Life
You’ve read article after article. Watched video after video. Yet you keep going from one idea to the next. Are you ready to decide what you really want? If so, keep reading.
My journey towards self-actualization or what I call “waking up” began in 2013. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, I just knew there had to be a better way.
So in 2013 I attended college thinking I’d find my answers there.
Very early on I discovered my professors didn’t have the answers. In reality, my own marketing professor had never ran a single business.
I stopped going to college.
And turned to the only next step I knew – books written on mindset, business, and life.
For the rest of the year I spent my time in libraries reading book after book. Learning anything and everything I could.
Fast-forward to 2014 I stumbled upon a blog while at work.
This blog is what opened my eyes to another world. I spent my days at work reading articles from Bold & Determined.
(Read my results from a 30 day challenge)
And reading various other books.
Books such as Think and Grow Rich and the Defining Decade.
Piece by piece I began putting together the truth:
Why You Can’t Seem to Figure Out What You Want (The Final Solution)
You can’t figure out what you want because you overthink everything. Everyone tells you to – find your purpose, find your passion, and 1,000 other things you “have” to do.
No wonder you can’t be decisive.
Every move you make it the wrong based on what everybody tells you.
However, you’re here for a reason today. From this point on I want you to block everything out they’ve told you.
All it is the source of your mental masturbation. Your lack of action in the world. And the reason you can’t make a decision.
I myself have been on this path since 2014 and it took me until 2019 to finally understand the whole truth.
And the truth is there is no clear cut defined path to what you want.
Sure, you can find blueprints to model after.
If you want to be a nurse – you go to nursing school.
If you want to leave your day job – you start making money on your own.
But blueprints are just the foundation to getting what you want and avoiding certain potholes along the road to success.
Where MOST people get stuck and never realize is what I am sharing with you now. It’s the reason people never realize their dreams.
Instead they settle for a boring job, dating average women, and never amount to the light they can become.
Are you ready for the truth?
The truth is you must create your way.
This is the only way to what you want in this world. It’s what I mean when I tell you, you are your only savior.
It is through creating your own way that you finally find your way. This truth is why you can get the best guidance in the world.
Yet still feel stuck.
You must figure out the various things you need.
And this is something nobody can help you with.
It’s on you to – learn, apply, fail, and discover.
For you it may take you a matter of months or it may take years. But if you really want to live life on your terms – you have to make a decision.
Are you willing to try 1,000 things to create your own way?
If they answer is yes, you’re in the right place.
Your friend,
Dylan Madden
Over the next 65-pages you will build the person you need to become while creating your own blueprint. Get started here.
Anytime brother
Hit me deep. Thank you I needed this
“It is through creating your own way that you finally find your way. This truth is why you can get the best guidance in the world. Yet still feel stuck. You must figure out the various things you need.”
The creator gave us all a brain to use. Some of us do and most of us don’t. The ones that do, mold and shape reality to their liking.
Great post, Dylan.
It’s just the beginning brother
Great article Dylan. I see you have put out a lot of content. Catching up and please keep it coming. Been reading you since 2016