I get emails daily with people asking me, “Dylan, how can I make money online?”. Making money online is easy. If you can write or record a video then you can make money.

 What Is Holding You Back

The common theme that I notice is that people don’t Take Action.

Whether this be because you are lazy or because you lack the belief in yourself, I’m not sure.

You are lying to yourself when you say that you want to work for yourself.

You are lying to yourself when you say that you want to live the life of your dreams.

The simple fact is that you would prefer to live the life of the average person.

You can continue to depend on other people to give you money.

Take orders from those “above” you.

Or you can continue reading and learn how you can start making money from your words (recorded and written).

Making Money Online Is Easier Than Clocking In

Making money online is so much easier than going to a job and clocking in.

It comes with many benefits such as the freedom to choose when and where you will work.

You write your own paycheck.

Instead of working 40 hours and making $400, you can work 4 hours and make $400.

Big difference…..

I lied when I said that making money online is easier than clocking in.

It is easier in regards to the amount of effort, but you need concentration.

When you are working online, you only answer to yourself.

That amount of power is too much for most people.

Most people are better off working for someone else.

You can continue to take orders or you can boss up and work for yourself.

I can only lead you to the water, but I cannot get you to drink.

Will You Drink From The River

It is up to you to drink from the river.

You can continue to drink from your bosses cup or you can reach down and fill your own cup.

Since you are still reading I will guess that you are one of the few people who really want to fill their own cup.

All you need to do is Take Action.

Once you start Taking Action your cup will begin overfill.

How To Fill Your Own Cup

You can fill your own cup in many ways.

There are millions of ways to make money online, all you have to do is choose one.

You can make money online from the comfort of your own home.

Or you can spend a day on an exotic beach a 9,000 miles away.

The ways I will show you will be:

  • E-Commerce
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Services

How To Make Money Online With E-Commerce

red coffee

Making money with E-Commerce is simple.

Think about Amazon or the site that you bought your Red Coffee from.

That is E-Commerce.

The main ways that people make money from an E-Commerce store are by:

  • Drop-Shipping
  • Selling Your Own Product
  • FBA


Drop-Shipping is where you sell someone else’s product and get a percentage of the money.

A lot of people like this way as you can make a good profit with no investment into the products.

Instead of spending $1,500 on your own products you can sell someone else’s products as your own.

You get their products at a wholesale cost so you get the difference when a sale is made.


You run a clothes Drop-Ship store.

A jacket of yours retails for $85 on your site, but the company you sell it for gives it to you for $45.

For every sale you make $40.

While that may not sounds like much money just multiply that by 10 sales a week.

$40 X 10 = 400

That is more than most people make from a 9-5 job.

Check out this article and get started with your Drop Ship store.

Selling Your Own Product-

Selling your own product is how a lot of people do it.

You can sell information or physical products.

That eBook you purchased was an example of the simplicity.

You bought the eBook because that person interested you.

Maybe it was because you look up to him.

Or possibly because you are entertained.

I know people who make a nice living from selling their own products.

One person I consider a friend is Alex which founded Marketers Delight.

It is a great thing to have for anyone who wants a nice looking site, but lacks the Coding skills.

I have actually been considering purchasing it.

I recommend it for anyone who wants to have a nice looking site.

(Purchase Marketers Delight Here)

While I cannot say if he is making great money from it yet, I can say without a doubt that he will be if he sticks with it.

Basically what I want you to get from this section is that you can put effort into offering a solution via your product.

Once you get it in front of enough people you will be rewarded with money.

Offer solutions to people and they will pay you.


I will not go into detail about this because I have absolutely no experience in it.

Basically you run your own store except through Amazon.

It acts similar to an eBay store.

One cool thing about FBA is that you don’t have to worry about the Fulfillment side of the business.

You get to use their established channels for getting your products to your customers.

How To Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

making money online

Affiliate Marketing is a very popular way that people make money online.

To date Way Of The Olympian makes 100% of its money from Affiliate Marketing.

You can make good money being an Affiliate Marketer.

Of course you must put in the work and grow your businesses to get the full rewards.

Take a look at some of my Affiliate Articles:

While I do not consider myself a full Affiliate Marketer I do know enough to make money from it.

There are people who will create a simple site with 5 or so articles and then just direct traffic to that site.

They can easily generate $100-5,000 a month depending on how high their conversions are.

My friend Chris is a perfect example of the success that can come from Affiliate Marketing.

Check out his Niche site Hair Loss From Steroids.

He hardly touches it yet it generates over $1,000/month.

Here is how you can make money online from Affiliate Marketing:

  1. Select A Niche
  2. Create A Website
  3. Write SEO Content About Niche
  4. Place Affiliate Links On Site
  5. Direct Traffic To Site
  6. Make $$$ Via Commissions

That is all there is to it.

It is very simple.

Just tell people about it and then if you do your job right they will buy it through your link.

There are pros and cons to Affiliate Marketing, but just do your research and then Take Action.

How To Make Money Online By Selling A Service

Instead of selling your own product or using Affiliate Marketing there are also people who offer services.

There are three major ways in which you can offer your services:

  1. Personal Website
  2. Fiverr
  3. Upwork

Personal Website-

You could create a website such as Way Of The Olympian and build engagement with people through Free content.

Then as your site grows you could offer services such as Mentoring, Ghost Writing, Or Any Other Service.

You can also do the above things on platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork.


how to make money online

Fiverr is an awesome platform for Freelancers.

Many people in their early 20’s are making good money from doing simple jobs.

These jobs can be anything from writing reviews, creating banners, to writing articles for those who can’t.

If you have the drive and a skill give Fiverr a try.

Check out Damian’s book on Fiverr.

He has been doing very well for himself because of Fiverr.

(Get Damian’s Book On Fiverr)


how to make money online

For someone who is willing to put in the time to get qualified I also can recommend UpWork.

UpWork is a great place to offer your services.

There are quite a few specialty services that are offered on UpWork that can make you a good living.

Some Freelancers on UpWork are making $15-30/hr!

That is more than most people make working at a job.

Imagine being able to work when you wanted and make $20/hr.

For more information on this check out a recent Guest-Post by a great Copywriter.

He is a young guy who is making good money from his skills.

That is inspiring.

The Beauty Of Working Online

Working online offers you Freedom.

If you are dedicated and work smart you will be able to change your life.

You will be Financially Independent.

You will be able to travel when and where you want too.

Best of all you will be able to really offer yourself and family the lifestyle that you want.

Step up and become who you must so that you can live the life that you want.

We will speak again soon.


Dylan Madden

About Dylan Madden

My name is Dylan Madden. I've written over 300+ articles for those who want more out of life and are interested in traveling the world. I am from US city where most people work the same old job for their entire life. Now after traveling to 18 countries. I've set up a home in Dubai where I spend my days helping freelancers build successful businesses within The Real World and on the blog Calm and Collected. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to make your life better.

18 comments add your comment

  1. Hey can I start a successful affiliate business straight out of my blog instead of having to star a brand new web sight for products

  2. Thanks, Dylan – both for the advice and the book! I didn’t get home until near midnight last night, so haven’t checked my email yet, but will as soon as this crazy Thursday allows.

    I’m already on track for doing some of your list, and will begin the rest very soon. First YouTube gets recorded today, for example.

  3. Dylan, thanks for the MD shoutout! There are a ton of ways to make money online and you did a good job outlining a lot of good ones (everyone seems to be talking about drop shipping, I’ll have to look more into what the fuss is).

    The number one way I’ve made money online has been through the products space and I have to say it’s as difficult as it is rewarding… especially when you make your own products yourself.

    I can’t say I’ve ever done a whole lot of dedicated market research before going into building a product, but after being in a certain industry for so long (in my case, web design) you get a feel for 1) what kind of problems people have and 2) how far they’re willing to go to solve them.

    Once you see how to combine those 2 things into a product, you can throw it out into the world and see what happens. Worst case scenario, you only make a little money and gain a bunch of experience throughout the process.

    The best case?

    You create a passive income stream that will sell indefinitely. This is the internet after all—your work doesn’t die until you kill it. And because this is the internet, you can scale as high as you want.

    I know you just redesigned WOTO, but make sure your next redesign is with MD. You know how to reach me. :D

    – Alex

    • Yeah the name of the game is to offer solutions to people. Do not chase the money, attract it.

      To be honest that was a hard Mindset for me to adopt. It didn’t seem that it should be as easy as creating something and then letting people come to you.

      If I do anymore redesigning I will HIGHLY consider MD. I really like it!


      • As I (might have) mentioned at some point, it’s the getting people to come to you in the first place that stymies me. My marketing-fu is terrible. Still, I’ve just begun a new thing specifically for charting my own growth, seeing what works and doesn’t and showing it as it goes, and bringing good ideas to light – as well as just having fun and making cool stuff. It’s only *just* begun, but I see it as promising.

        Best part, from the point of view of the topic at hand, is that whether people find it or not doesn’t matter so much. If they do, I can offer solutions to a ton of things I’ve found and applied in my own life. If they don’t, I’ll still have a place to hold myself accountable for steady personal growth.

        • Do the following to get more traffic:
          1. Put out 2-3 articles a week
          2. Guest-Post
          3. Link to people
          4. Be on social media and YouTube

          If you have solutions for people and do the above, you will get traffic.

          BTW I don’t know if you got my email, but I sent you a free copy. Also, fixed the issue with the link.

          Have a good night.

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