Hey my friend I just got back from enjoying a much-needed trip to see my family. You will enjoy today’s post and if applied you will see a lot of the crap that’s in your life disappear like magic.

What I am talking about is making the shift from focusing on problems to instead only focusing on solutions.

By doing so you will notice that you aren’t as stressed as you usually are.

Stress is something that should be avoided because it drains you of your mental energy as well as your sexual energy.

Now don’t get me wrong there are some types of stress that can be good, but most stress is bad.

You would be amazed at how easily you can tweak a few things here and there to live stress-free.

What are the effects of stress on the body and mind? 

  • Low energy
  • Lack of clear judgment
  • Poor Memory
  • Decrease in Testosterone
  • Headaches
  • Increased Blood pressure
  • Sex-drive falls dramatically

From the few effects I put above you can see that by allowing stress into your life it makes you a weakling.

You can take a strong man at the top of his game and put him in a situation that will turn him into a shell of a man due to not having the shift of mindset I will show you.

I will use the name John as the man’s name.

John’s Story:

John is the Vice-President for a leading programming company. He has everything that modern man would deem “the life”.

He has a good wife, children, and nice house on the water. John makes $150k/year and is able to take a 2-week vacation once a year. He is in decent shape and is in good health.

John has been working for the same company for 22 years and has seen it go from $2 million a year in profit to $140 million in profit under his leadership.

John has been working for the same company for 22 years and has seen it go from $2 million a year in profit to $140 million in profit under his leadership.

Obviously, he has what we would deem “lucky” and the company he helped build is very successful.

There is this investment company that offered the owner of John’s company $500 million.

The owner wanted to cash in so he could move to the Virgin Islands to live out the rest of his days.

He agree’s and sells the company.

Once this company takes over they install their own top Executives and tell John he can either take a $100k pay cut or get fired.

John goes home and heads straight for his office to think about what he is going to do next.

He has two options and both of them scare him because they are both risky in his eyes.

He can take $100k pay cut, but with only making $50k/year he would have to sell his house and relocate his family. This wouldn’t be too bad of a move it would just en-tell a lot of unseen factors.

This wouldn’t be too bad of a move it would just en-tell a lot of unseen factors.

John could also choose the second option of getting fired. He would receive the usual severance package.

John is very good at programming.

He could take what money he gets from the severance package and use a little of the money he has stashed away to start a consulting company.

He would be able to make as much or as little as he wanted. By choosing this option he would have become self-sufficient.

John selects the first option.

He downgrades his house and his new position places him further down the totem pole which doesn’t sit well with him since he has given much of his life to the company.

John goes from being at the top to now taking orders and living life on a lower level.

He begins drinking to cope with the stress at work.

To make matters worse John begins taking out his frustration from work and from how much his life sucks on his one true ally, his wife.

He will yell at her over little things or say things like, “Sometimes I don’t even know why I am with you”.  

Several years go by and his wife after trying to help him ends up filing for divorce.

Once the divorce was settled he lost his wife and child which were the only two constant things he had in his life.

John went on to become a loser who drank away his problems instead of facing them like you do with a Solution Mindset.

What is the problem here?

The problem is that when presented with a “problem” John hesitates and ends up settling for the easier route which ultimately causes unhappiness in his.

Instead of seeing the “problem” and creating a “solution” he decided to be less than a Man.

He could have easily become a consultant with his programming skills and made more than he did at the top of his career.

You see my friend as men we are constantly presented with “problems”, but we have the opportunity to create a “solution”.

What can you learn from this story?

  •  Going the easy way is usually indirectly the hard way.
  • By not having the Solution Mindset life will run you instead of you running your life.
  • Without the right mindset great men will be placed on their knees.
  • Stress can ruin your life if you cannot handle it.

So what is this Solution Mindset I keep speaking about?

The Solution Mindset is where instead of looking around you and seeing problems you instead only see solutions.

It is pointless to waste time looking at problems. If you see a problem analyze it and then be a Man and solve it.

Men make decisions and move forward towards what they are trying to achieve.

If you are on this blog then you are on your way to becoming an Olympian and we only allow decision makers at our table.

This world is survival of the fittest and only the strong prosper. You can either be a Gazelle or a Lion. The Lion usually kills the Gazelle. The Lion moves forward aggressively adapting as he advances. The Gazelle is constantly looking for problems and when it finally hesitates it ends up being my dinner.

The Lion usually kills the Gazelle. The Lion moves forward aggressively adapting as he advances. The Gazelle is constantly looking for problems and when it finally hesitates it ends up being my dinner.

The Gazelle is constantly looking for problems and when it finally hesitates it ends up being my dinner.

Main Points:

  • Don’t waste time on focusing on problems.
  • Analyze the situation and then create a solution.
  • Be a Lion
  • Be the decision maker.

Until next time go out and Dominate Your Life.

Your friend,

Dylan Madden

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About Dylan Madden

My name is Dylan Madden. I've written over 300+ articles for those who want more out of life and are interested in traveling the world. I am from US city where most people work the same old job for their entire life. Now after traveling to 18 countries. I've set up a home in Dubai where I spend my days helping freelancers build successful businesses within The Real World and on the blog Calm and Collected. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to make your life better.

19 comments add your comment

  1. Damn that story is spot on. People think about a decision but they don’t think it through. I mean it’s just common sense that when you lose your money that you will lose everything else?

    Dependence= Forever low money
    Independence= Low money to Rich Nigger Money

  2. Nice explanation for solution mindset Sergie …

  3. Yeah I agree. The solution mindset is really the best way to live in a state of abundance. Without being able to see a solution life seems bleek very quickly.

    Great post

  4. Yo great post. Mostly I liked your comment in your reply to Jose, about how men let other men lead them, and always having a plan. It’s true and most every guy I know just went through my head and it gives me a mild anxiousness to think that they won’t even plan or try to do anything different. Because I could never continue living that way. And John could have taken the opportunity to learn about letting go of the material, sell a lot of debt off, and enjoy more life experiences too.

  5. Hi Dylan The Lion,
    This is the first post I read in your blog.
    I loved it. It is value.
    Right at the time when I was under stress.I was over analyzing.
    I was focusing on the problem too much and getting angry.
    I was not looking for a solution.
    You are absolutely correct.Cheers.

  6. Really great post, I think that the lack of a solution mindset is one of the major problems for men today, we don’t make rational decisions and shy away from making a choice, people need balls if they are ever going to be a lion, and most people agonise over bullshit like what phone they should buy, nevermind real decisions. We need to stop lacking conviction and just DECIDE.


  7. Yeah it disgusts me with how conditioned we have become. Men look to other people to tell them how to lead their lives. Always have a plan no matter what. Thank you for your comment.


  8. Many people have the ability of having a “Solution Mindset” the problem is that we have been so conditioned to not make up our own minds better yet not think for ourselves that something like losing your job can destroy a mans life because he was being led and not leading his life!

    John needed to have a plan way before he was downgraded to another position. An escape plan in case some thing like that happened where he had to start all over again.

    Unfortunately the majority of the people do not think about the “What If’s?” and plan accordingly. Instead they actually believe that they will never get fired, laid off or downgraded because in their minds that only happens to other people and not “Me!”.

    He chose the easy route because like you said the other route was to scary as he had to work without a safety net!

    Its a tough choice to make but in order to be free you have to break those chains and move forward!

    Great post Dylan!

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