You might have noticed how great and clean Calm and Collected looks now. I’d love to take credit, but I can’t. What really makes my website look better than 99% of the other sites out there is MD. Marketers Delight (MD) is changing the game.

As you go around the internet you see basically the same themes on every site. I swear everyone uses Studio-Press or Thrive-Themes.

Before I tell you about MD and how you will love it, let me be clear.

Studio-Press and Thrive-Themes aren’t bad. To be honest some of the themes look pretty darn good. But they can’t compete with Marketers Delight in a few important areas.

Those areas are:

  • Customization
  • All In One Platform
  • Customer Service

Those three areas are SUPER important for you. Marketers Delight does that for me and I want you to be able to have that as well.

I hate to admit it, but I’ve spent well over $500 on themes.

Each theme I had would always be lacking something.

My first theme was the one BADNET gives you. My only problem with it was that I looked like everybody else. Not only that, but it made me look like B&D.

The second theme I tried was one from Theme Forest. I can’t recall the name of it, but I ended up buying three more themes from them.

After some time, I decided to dabble with Studio Press again but still something was missing. I had been talking to a guy named Alex Mangini for some time. He had helped me with some CSS issues.

Alex told me that he had a product that would give me what I was looking for. But I kept going from theme to theme.

(He Helped Me Before I Ever Purchased Anything)

My Marketers Delight Review

Finally I became frustrated. Every theme I tried always was lacking in something. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I was determined to fix it.

Calm and Collected deserved something to truly showcase its content.

As I was at a cafe about to go shoot a video in the city, I decided to give Marketers Delight a try.

What could I possibly lose?

After looking at the different packages I decided to get the $97 MD Pro Package. I knew I’d need multiple licenses.

(Get MD Pro)

In Awe And Amazement

When I initially looked around MD, I was amazed with everything that was offered. To be honest I wish I would’ve just saved myself $500 and been using MD from the get go. Using Marketers Delight would have saved me hours of frustration. I was left in awe at everything that was offered.

What Is Marketers Delight?

When I first purchased MD I thought it was just simply a theme. Boy was I wrong! The best way I could describe Marketers Delight is…

MD Is An All In One Platform For Pros

Seriously MD not only gives you a flexible theme, but it also gives you a load of other features.

For you to get noticed online, you must stand out!

MD goes ahead and puts you ahead of the game with its sleak design and great features. From there it is on you to show people what and who you are.

Marketers Delight Features

You don’t need to waste money on Optimize-Press, SumoMe, or any other tool.

Instead Marketers Delight has everything you need in one place.

What features does MD offer?

  1. Page Leads
  2. Layout Options
  3. Popup Creator
  4. Custom Image Cover
  5. Widgets
  6. Landing Page

Not only does Marketers Delight offer what you saw above, but Alex Mangini releases updates every once in a while with new features.

Let’s break each feature down so you fully understand what you’re getting.

Page Leads:

Marketers delight review

With Page Leads you can get your audience to subscribe or to take any action  that you want them to. Page Leads is simple and highly customizable.

Layout Options:

marketers delight review

With Layout Options you are able to customize the readers experience. You can add things to the page or take them off.

You are in 100% control of what is going on.

“With Studio Press, you have to play by their rules. With Marketers Delight you only play by yours.”

-Dylan Madden-

Popup Creator-

marketers delight review

Something I really like about MD Popup Creator is you have complete control from the design all the way to how it interacts with readers.

Instead of adding another Plugin to your site, Marketers Delight gives you your own. You can customize your popup to looks exactly how you want.

Custom Image Cover-

marketers delight review

People ask how I am able to make my cover photos look so great. My answer is MD’s Custom Image Cover feature.

With this feature you can choose from 6 different positions and even change the way that looks.

You will love this feature as it will make your site stand out.


marketers delight review

Marketers Delight also comes with three Widgets. Each Widget is designed to make your site stand out and get you results.

You get to have a sleek Email Signup Form, Text/Image Widget, And a Content Spotlight.

All of these Widgets will put your readers eyes on your content and get them engaged with what you have going on.

(Update 6/19/2022: Marketers Delight has more features now)

Landing Page-

marketers delight review

You know how important Landing Pages are. Your Landing Page can get Email signups and it can sell your Products/Services.

Instead of buying Optimize-Press (Sadly I did), you can use Marketers Delight’s Landing Page feature.

Within minutes you will have a clean Landing Page ready to go.

(Get Marketers Delight)

Marketers Delight Has You Covered

The last thing that makes Marketers Delight the perfect solution for you is its Customer Service. Even without everything MD offers, its Customer Service is unlike anything I’ve seen. Most companies these days make you wait for several days to even weeks to get help. Alex Mangini at Marketers Delight gets back to you quickly.

Just the other night I wanted some changes done, I’m not the most tech savvy person.

Guess what?

Alex not only got on the phone with me, but he stayed up until 5AM helping me with my site. That is dedication and that is why Marketers Delight stands out to me. Marketers Delight saves you hundreds of dollars.

If you are a Pro, you feel that feeling of “This is it” going through your body.

Do yourself a favor and get your site on Marketers Delight.

Tune in next time for some more…

Always the best,

Dylan Madden

PS: If You Are Ready To Go Pro Here Is Marketers Delight

About Dylan Madden

My name is Dylan Madden. I've written over 300+ articles for those who want more out of life and are interested in traveling the world. I am from US city where most people work the same old job for their entire life. Now after traveling to 18 countries. I've set up a home in Dubai where I spend my days helping freelancers build successful businesses within The Real World and on the blog Calm and Collected. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to make your life better.

13 comments add your comment

  1. I like this in detail article on Marketers Delight WordPress theme. I like this theme after looking a demo preview and also now planing to buy it. Can you share any discount code so that I can use to save?

  2. Great review! I myself recently started using the theme as well and couldn’t be happier.

    The clean look is what I love the most. I also wrote the review of the theme myself recently, this is the best theme right here.

  3. One thing I couldn’t figure out from MD and is missing from their site is how does their product integrate with payment processors. Is there a plugin for PayPal and Stripe?

  4. Yeah the theme aspect is the biggest. Install it and then tweak it to be how you want it. When you buy it let me know if you have any questions as I’ve learned quite a bit about MD.

  5. Your site is clean as F*ck?
    I am the kind of guy who prefer neutral looking site like i think it help the viewer to focus more on the content.

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