The great thing about podcasts are that you can listen to them while at work or while you’re driving. Here’s how listening to a podcast changed my life forever.

Rewind back to 2014 and I was just beginning my online transformation. I had been studying spirituality, personal development, and religion for years.

But I didn’t really have an exact path.

However, after reading a blog called Bold&Determined I found a blueprint. It was something called a blog.

So as I sat there behind my desk at work. I wrote out in my notebook as many names as I could come up with.

From there I wrote out something generic…

“My blog shows people how to live life on their terms.”

Looking back on that I can’t help but laugh. I was 20 years old with no experience but I had a message inside of me.

On November of 2014 I created that blog and began writing.

To say it like it is. My writing sucked but I made a little money from promoting my friend Chris Deoudes product line.

The reason that I made money was because I actually used the product and liked it. So for all of you who ask me, “how to make money with affiliate marketing?” that’s how.

  • You use a product
  • Tell your story in video or the written word
  • Do minor SEO work and then drop your affiliate link

Do that and you will make money.

But let’s get back to how listening to a podcast changed my life forever.

Around 2015 I began listening to the Mike Cernovich Podcast. By this point I had switched jobs and was working at a car dealership.

I was obsessed with figuring out how I could quit my job and more importantly fix myself. And so I listened to Mike’s podcasts every single day.

Whether I was driving to work or sitting in my car on my lunch break. Hearing his podcast gave me hope.

Because to be honest I didn’t feel like I had much going for me.

At the time this is how I viewed myself…

  • College dropout
  • Troubled childhood
  • Epitome of the Nice Guy
  • And that I was broken beyond repair

That was literally how I saw myself at that time. And since that was the Script that I followed. Reality became just that.

But there was always this faint voice inside of myself. Urging me to push forward. That I could be more if I just changed a few things.

This voice came to me in dreams and in my most humbled times. Always giving me inspiration and great ideas to act on.

And every time I listened to the Mike Cernovich Podcast this voice was strengthened. Better yet I was given proof that there was something more out there.

While I was sitting in my car with $250 to my name. I saw Mike Cernovich in Asia, living his vision, and telling his story.

Seeing him living a life far outside of what my reality gave me more inspiration than you’ll ever know. It made everything I wanted real.

The Power of Seeing…

Even though I was broke, working a job, and didn’t know what I wanted.

I could still listen to the Mike Cernovich Podcast, read B&D, and then take action in my own life. Hearing his podcasts let me see in my minds eye what was possible for myself. It gave me hope that someday I could become more.

Here we are years later and I am living the life that I dreamed of years ago.

And it all started with seeing what was possible.

While I could only take small steps at that time. Those small steps turned into a staircase straight to my current life.

  • I work on projects that excite me.
  • I’ve developed an audience who supports me.
  • I have friends in over a dozen cities because of this blog.
  • And now I’ve got a platform to help others build their own vision.

I often forget how far I’ve come since 2014. Because as you’ll learn when you’ve got your head down working. You don’t think to look up.

But it’s good to look up from your work from time to time.

To see how no matter how small of a step you’ve taken. They have ALL lead to where you are right now.

That no matter how lost you are right now. If you keep going, you’ll find your light.

And if you so choose, you can serve as some kind of inspiration for others. Whether that be creating your own podcast/blog or just being a friend.

By you moving forward no matter what. You will give hope to the people around you. So I leave you with this podcast from Mike Cernovich.

About Dylan Madden

My name is Dylan Madden. I've written over 300+ articles for those who want more out of life and are interested in traveling the world. I am from US city where most people work the same old job for their entire life. Now after traveling to 18 countries. I've set up a home in Dubai where I spend my days helping freelancers build successful businesses within The Real World and on the blog Calm and Collected. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to make your life better.

4 comments add your comment

  1. Yes they were the first 2 men that gave me the blueprint. Now it’s our turn to build upon it and lead our generation.

  2. Those first podcasts where life changing for me. Thanks for reaching out brother!

  3. Yeah, Cernovich has so insightful podcasts. Love them.

    Cernovich and Victor Pride are the people that taught me how to live: lift weights, work on your goal and stop fucking around like 99% of the population.

    Let’s give hope to people around us!

  4. I’ve been listening to the old B&D podcast with Victor and Mike the last few weeks.

    It reminded me of why I started an “personal brand” and living overseas.

    It seemed so far away when I first heard these Men speak, but now I am living the same lifestyle.

    Thanks for the post Dylan!

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